A "5" paper
*Takes a very clear point of view and
*Skillfully organizes information to support it.
*Demonstrates detailed, accurate knowledge of the time period.
*Deals with the most significant issues and trends relevant to the question.
*Supports ideas and conclusions with appropriate and accurate reasons and
evidence; provides relevant, specific examples (names, events, places, etc.)
* Follows directions in formatting and organizing the newspaper.
* Newspaper is very neat.
A "3" paper
*Takes a point of view and
*Adequately organizes information to support it.
*Demonstrates some knowledge of time period.
*Deals with relatively significant issues and trends.
*Supports ideas and conclusions with at least some reasons and evidence; provides
examples, but in limited depth.
* Some errors in following directions for formatting and organizing the newspaper
* Newspaper is neat.
A "1" paper
*May not take a point of view and/or
*Organization is erratic.
*Little evidence of historical knowledge
*Demonstrates very little understanding of most significant issues and frequently
goes off on tangents.
*Little attempt to support conclusions with examples.
* Did not follow directions in formatting and organizing the newspaper.
* Newspaper needs to be "cleaned" up.